Increasing Need of Dollar and Yen
Announcement of the banking sector stabilization plan by the U.S. Menkeu Timothy Geithner disappointing investors. They are now hunting up to the U.S. dollar and yen, which is considered as the most secure investment. Regional currencies also fell.
Geitner has announced the financial system stabilization program including U.S. $ 500 billion to absorb assets jammed. Also, efforts to increase consumer credit, restrictions on home foreclosure and provide capital for new banks.
"But that step in the forex market is considered to disappoint investors, the lack of detail and they are skeptical about the effectiveness of involving the private sector," said Kathy Lien, analyst from Global Forex Trading as quoted from the AFP, Wednesday (11/2/2009).
On the trade market in Singapore, U.S. dollars are recorded menguat on a number of regional currencies and the euro. Euro single currency was declining to 1.2873 dollars from 1.2910 in the position previously. While the yen also be hunting. U.S. dollar was weakened to 90.35 yen, from 90.44 yen in the previous. The rupiah was also weakened to 11,850 per U.S. dollar.
Deputy Governor Budi Mulya said, the currency in the emerging markets including the rupiah is now currently experiencing impairment.
"Today is when we see the currency not only in emerging rupiah, it's all a jitter bearish. Because what happens in the United States. Seoptimis market is not be a stimulus to the rescue of the value of U.S. $ 838 billion will be approved. But associated with the recovery package the financial sector, which is not yet clear kejelasannya details, so the market thinks there is another so that flight to quality, "Budi dust in the parliament building.
Top dollar is weakening, as usual, BI will always be asserted in the market and seek to minimize volatilitas.
"BI is always there. The BI is always in the market, and minimize volatilitas find that this is because the business and calculation," pungkas Budi.
February 11, 2009 at 9:53 PM