Starting business with Rp 100,000
Want to have your own business, but do not have large capital? Do not confused. Now you can have your own business only with a capitalization of Rp 100,000. Want to know how?
Multi-Chip is a business agent offers refills electronic balance. With capitalization is only Rp 100,000, you can register as agents of electronic balance for all mobile operators.
In view of Multi Chip, the benefits of business re electronic balance between the risk of other small because there is no limit expired and no need to transport because the cost of electricity can be sent. In addition, this business also does not require special efforts, and can be started with a capital light.
"Back capital also quick turnaround because the money very quickly with a profit 2.63% per day from the capital balance in the play," said Chip Multi display.
So, if you're interested, can be started by sending data such as name, address and the number of HP that will be used for transactions via fax to (021) 5704457. After that, you can transfer a minimum deposit of Rp 100,000 (no maximum limit).
After the transfer of the deposit, then you will get a registration number at a time deposit of the nominal transfer you. Next, you can deal directly refill balance to all the electronic service.
Every time you make a transaction, then your deposit will cut the price of pulsa which is set Multi-Chip. The price of pulsa Multi-Chip this varies depending on the type of operator. There is dibandrol Multi Chip cheaper from the nominal balance, but there is also above the nominal balance.
With so, then how much profit you want handful, depending on how much you give to your customers. No need to worry or deposit money if you die is not used, because it does not apply MultiChip time limit. Or deposit money so that you still can be taken anytime.
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