IHSG Rebound, Rupiah Still Red
Market share in the country can finally experience the Rebound or increase the movement of regional stock markets. Sebaliknya rupiah masih saja dalam posisi melemah. Conversely rupiah is still only in a position to weaken.
Pada penutupan perdagangan saham sesi siang, Jumat (14/11/2008) Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 12,760 poin (1,01%) menjadi 1.272,473. In closing stock trading session day, Friday (14/11/2008) Joint Stock Price Index (IHSG) up 12,760 points (1.01%) to 1272.473.
Reboundnya IHSG ini dipacu oleh terhentinya aksi jual besar-besaran terhadap saham PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) karena sentimen perusahaan akan melakukan buy back senilai Rp 8 triliun lebih. Reboundnya IHSG this interruption action spurred by massive selling of the shares of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) sentiment because the company will do buy back Rp 8 trillion worth more.
Saham BUMI yang selama enam haru berturut-turut merosot akhirnya bisa naik dan sempat menguat hingga 9,32% sebelum akhirnya ditutup stagnan di level 1.180 per saham. Shares BUMI that should be for six successive degenerate and eventually could rise was stronger to 9.32% before closing stagnant level at 1,180 per share.
Gerak saham BUMI sesi siang ini sangat fluktuatif. Motion shares BUMI session this afternoon is very fluctuate. Ketika dibuka langsung anjlok 9,32% dan kepentok auto rejection di posisi Rp 1.070, namun kemudian menguat tinggi dan beberapa kali sempat melemah lagi sebelumnya akhirnya ditutup stganan. When opened directly anjlok 9.32% and kepentok auto rejection in a position to Rp 1,070, but then stronger and took some time off again before finally closed stganan.
Sedangkan rupiah pada perdagangan valas pukul 11.30 WIB, turun 175 poin ke posisi 11.675 per dolar AS. While the rupiah in foreign exchange trading at 11:30 WIB, down 175 points to 11,675 positions per U.S. dollar. Bank Indonesia (BI) mengakui, sangat sulit untuk melawan arus pasar dalam kondisi seperti ini. Bank Indonesia (BI), and it is very difficult to fight the flow conditions in the market such as this.
"Kita tidak bisa melawan pasar," kata Gubernur BI Boediono dalam konferensi pers dikantornya, Jakarta, Jumat (14/11/2008). "We can not fight the market," BI Governor Boediono said in a press conference dikantornya, Jakarta, Friday (14/11/2008).
Boediono menambahkan, BI akan terus berada di pasar. Boediono added, BI will continue to be in the market. Meski sulit menahan laju pelemahan rupiah, namun BI akan berupaya untuk menahan gejolaknya. Although difficult to keep pace weakening rupiah, but BI will attempt to keep gejolaknya.
Berdasarkan laporan kebijakan moneter BI untuk November, dikatakan bahwa nilai tukar rupiah selama bulan Oktober mengalami pelemahan akibat perilaku menghindari risiko investor asing. Based on BI's monetary policy report for November, said that the value of the rupiah during the month of October due to impairment of conduct to avoid the risk of foreign investors.
Perdagangan saham sesi siang mencatat transaksi sebanyak 31.639 kali, dengan volume 1,817 miliar unit saham, senilai Rp 1,409 triliun. Trade stocks day session to record the transaction as much as 31,639 times, with a volume of 1,817 billion units of shares, worth Rp 1,409 trillion.Sebanyak 54 saham naik, 46 saham turun dan 43 saham stagnan. 54 shares rose, 46 shares declined and 43 shares stagnant.
IHSG mengikuti naiknya saham-saham di bursa Asia siang ini seperti Hang Seng naik 3,39%, KOSPI naik 0,65%, Nikkei naik 4,02%, Shanghai naik 1,83%, STI Singapura naik 1,81% dan Taiwan naik 0,56%. IHSG the rise of shares in Asian stock this afternoon as Hang Seng rose 3.39%, KOSPI rose 0.65%, Nikkei rose 4.02%, Shanghai rose 1.83%, Singapore's STI rose 1.81% and Taiwan up 0.56%.
Saham-saham yang naik harganya antara lain, Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGAS) naik Rp 80 menjadi Rp 1.790, Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) naik Rp 500 menjadi Rp 6.350, Telkom (TLKM) naik Rp 200 menjadi Rp 5.900, Aneka Tambang (ANTM) naik Rp 30 menjadi Rp 1.060, United Tractors (UNTR) naik Rp 150 menjadi Rp 3.875 dan Astra Internasional (ASII) naik Rp 350 menjadi Rp 9.750. Shares, which increased the price of other, the State Gas Company (PGAS) rose Rp 80 to Rp 1,790, Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) increased to Rp 500 to Rp 6,350, Telkom (TLKM) rose Rp 200 to Rp 5,900, Aneka Tambang ( ANTM) up to Rp 30 to Rp 1,060, United Tractors (UNTR) rose Rp 150 to Rp 3,875 and Astra International (ASII) increased to Rp 350 to Rp 9,750.
November 17, 2008 at 7:25 PM
i hope rupiah can get back the stability soon!
April 6, 2009 at 7:17 AM