Capital Payment in Advance

In addition to opening the business with no cash payment in the back, you can also open a business with the payment in advance. Combined with the start of business on the back of payment and payment in advance is the most ideal. Building or office, ads, brochures can be obtained by payment in the background, while customers using our payment in advance. The form of business courses, vocational education institutions and even education tinggipun can be done with the strategy of payment in advance.

At the time we open a branch of the Education Center and Computer Management IMKI in the way of Abubakar Ali number 20 Kotabaru Yogyakarta, after advertising in the People's Daily Kedaulatan that can be paid in the back, finally get the 35 students. Then, given the general course that includes explanation teantang material will be taught for one year. Starting from the material Achievement Motivation Training System to Analysis. Suddenly they ask "Sir, my computer which does not exist?". "Please note in the ad saying how.", I guess. "Pendikan Computers equipped with practical management education and entrepreneurship," they answered. "You are right. In the first month of this you will get practical management education and entrepreneurship, and the new computers: "I said in my heart" but you also have to pay. " After one month of their happy, eventually pay. Money from these students kreditkan my computer can be 12 computers. "That compromise" I said. "Oh my computer is already Pak" they said. I have said in the "indeed, it is your money." So we can operate the business with the payment in advance, the payment from our customers.

Even when I, together with friends from Totalwin Institute of Management in cooperation with Warnbrough University, UK. MBA program open (when it is not prohibited), enough to provide five-star hotel, which can be paid in the background, and students to pay in advance. The first time, prospective students gathered in a hotel provided an explanation of the MBA program from the University Warnbrough. Including how much it costs, they must study in the UK. If in the course of Indonesia can use the introduction to English. Tesisnya only in English in the supervision by the Representative Warnbrough University of Australia. After the general course, for those interested can provide advance payment of Rp. 1,000,000 and -. From the money can be used to rent the room along with other equipment, so that managers not to spend money. After at least 15 students sign up, start the course immediately. Thus the hotel with other facilities can be met with the advance payment from students. From the results of the MBA program can eventually be used to establish the program MM STIE "ABI" Surabaya. Master's Program Management perhaps the most in demand in Indonesia, because the students have about 1000 people.
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