Trying IHSG part of the pressure
Joint Stock Price Index (IHSG) have two days in succession in this weekend impairment. IHSG will try to reduce the pressure that is sharp.
One of the factors that can reduce the pressure on the trade IHSG Wednesday (19/11/2008) Rebound is what happened in Wall Street.
In trading Tuesday (18/11/2008), Dow Jones index appreciated 151.17 points (1.83%) to a level of 8424.75, the Standard & Poor's 500 appreciated thin 8.37 points (0.98%) to a level of 859 , 12 and the Nasdaq stronger thin only 1.22 points (0008%) to a level of 1483.27.
Although churn was sharp, shares in the Wall Street Rebound can be no announcement after Hewlett-Packard (HP), which recorded good performance, muted the negative sentiment from Citigroup are exhausted.
While the stock market opening in Japan on Wednesday morning is relatively flat with only terkoreksi thin 0.09 points or 7.79 points to 8320.62 position.
Market in the country, will utilize the action of selective buying shares that the price is below.Movement of rupiah and Bakrie stock sentiment will also be coloring IHSG movement.
In the closing trading stock on Tuesday yesterday (18/11/2008) IHSG anjlok 47,071 points (3.81%) to 1189.862.
The following recommendations shares of the company's securities.
Optima Securities
Index back into terkoreksi 47 points to 1189 as Asian stock Hang Seng and Nikkei -4.5% -2.2%.IHSG approaching the lowest point in October and in the level of 1089. All the technical indicators are still giving bearish signal has not been any signs of reversal in the short term. Impairment still further potential return movement, with a range 1.120-1.230.
Panin Securities
In trading yesterday, IHSG -3.81% slump following the regional movement of stock, which is negative following the recession that occurred in Japan, and several other countries. As Japan and Singapore are the two main trade partner of Indonesia. Suffered recessionary effects of the country, will threaten the automated export performance and economic growth. Global investors are still awaiting quarterly GDP growth rate 3 of the few large countries, such as the United States which will be announced next week.
In addition to regional factors, anjloknya value of the rupiah also be negative sentiment for the market. Along with the lack of positive sentiment, today we estimate for the foreseeable future IHSG will still be moving toward weakening support in 1106.
HP Save Wall Street
Shares in the Wall Street move such ferment, and Return to the positive and negative territory. However, ultimately the end of the session, the index in Wall Street shares end stronger.
In trading Tuesday (18/11/2008), Dow Jones index recorded a stronger 151.17 points (1.83%) to a level of 8424.75. Index Standard & Poor's 500 appreciated thin 8.37 points (0.98%) to a level of 859.12 and the Nasdaq stronger thin only 1.22 points (0008%) to a level of 1483.27.
"There is optimism that has achieved the lowest level so we will see there is little opportunity for the rally. There is no good news that I see today, except from HP," said Richard Sparks, senior stock analyst from Schaeffer's Investment Research, as quoted from Reuters, Wednesday ( 19/11/2008).
Shares of HP's sharp appreciation hinga level of 14.5% to U.S. $ 33.59. HP shares after announcing stronger performance, and shows ketangguhannya against a weaker economy.
Meanwhile, Citigroup shares had fallen back to 6% to 8.36 dollars, which is the lowest level in the last 13 years. Shares of the bank's second largest after the U.S. this happen before announcing massive lay-up to 52,000 employees. However, it is feared that the plan will not be enough to improve the performance of Citigroup.
Transaction volume is quite moderate with 1.60 billion shares ditransaksikan in the New York Stock Exchange. Meanwhile, the Nasdaq there are 2.43 billion shares ditransaksikan, or on average last year of 2.17 billion pieces.
IHSG will Normal Again in 2009
Joint Stock Price Index (IHSG) is estimated to be calm again on next year. Driven by the plantation sector, energy and construction, IHSG expected on gallant re-2009.
It is delivered Recapital Securities head of research Poltak Hotradero One of the new Economic Outlook 2009 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, on Tuesday (18/11/2008).
"In front of IHSG will be back to normal. IHSG last three years, was dominant two sectors, namely energy and plantations. Currently, two more rest this sector alone," he said.
In addition to the two sectors, Poltak also see a sector that can sustain IHSG, namely the construction sector. Moreover, the vice president Jusuf Kalla often encourage the acceleration of construction such as ports, toll roads, and generating electricity.
"If the roads, restore normal capital market to the more conventional such as the first, so do not be too bad," he said.
For Poltak, the construction sector still has great potential. Change money in this sector each day could reach Rp 10 trillion.
Not only the construction sector, the other pillar of the economy could be next year is the telecommunications and transportation will still be two-digit growth next year. Similarly, the prospects of the banking world will still be good in 2009.
"So next year people will go back to things that are conventional, all consolidated this year and will be felt next year," he said.
Close Weekends Rupiah at $ 11.525/US
Indonesian Rupiah close this weekend in the position of an 11,500-per U.S. dollar. Weakening rupiah calm Rebound in line with its market share is limited.
In the closing trading forex 17:00 WIB, Friday (14/11/2008) data showed CNBC rupiah terkoreksi only 25 points to 11,525 positions per U.S. dollar. This was the day rupiah weakened to 11,840 per U.S. dollar.
Meanwhile, the government weakening rupiah rate is still 'okay' compared to other local currencies.
"The weakening rupiah, not only the view from one perspective, but viewed from the perspective wide. Korea, which has U.S. $ 500 billion in neracanya, and the currency weakened to 39 percent, while the rupiah weakened our new 19 percent, it is still okay," said Finance minister ad interim Sofyan Djalil after Friday prayers in the building of Garuda, Jakarta, Friday (14/11/2008).
It was similar after the vice president Jusuf Kalla on Friday in the office. According to the vice president, weakening the value of local currency also occurred in some countries as a result of reduced liquidity.
"Because the world of dollars dry up. Because the difficult search shrink the U.S. dollar. But the local exchange rate weakened, this is only the supply and demand alone. No one can hit," he said.
Although there in almost all countries, but emphasized the government Sofyan remain alert to monitor a weaker rupiah. No half-hearted, the government will not tolerate the slightest error, including a come-from Rumor Rumor outstanding.
"In the unstable conditions such as current, zero tolerance for error. All Rumor must be serious by the government. We will always be aware," Sofyan said.
IHSG Rebound, Rupiah Still Red
Market share in the country can finally experience the Rebound or increase the movement of regional stock markets. Sebaliknya rupiah masih saja dalam posisi melemah. Conversely rupiah is still only in a position to weaken.
Pada penutupan perdagangan saham sesi siang, Jumat (14/11/2008) Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 12,760 poin (1,01%) menjadi 1.272,473. In closing stock trading session day, Friday (14/11/2008) Joint Stock Price Index (IHSG) up 12,760 points (1.01%) to 1272.473.
Reboundnya IHSG ini dipacu oleh terhentinya aksi jual besar-besaran terhadap saham PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) karena sentimen perusahaan akan melakukan buy back senilai Rp 8 triliun lebih. Reboundnya IHSG this interruption action spurred by massive selling of the shares of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI) sentiment because the company will do buy back Rp 8 trillion worth more.
Saham BUMI yang selama enam haru berturut-turut merosot akhirnya bisa naik dan sempat menguat hingga 9,32% sebelum akhirnya ditutup stagnan di level 1.180 per saham. Shares BUMI that should be for six successive degenerate and eventually could rise was stronger to 9.32% before closing stagnant level at 1,180 per share.
Gerak saham BUMI sesi siang ini sangat fluktuatif. Motion shares BUMI session this afternoon is very fluctuate. Ketika dibuka langsung anjlok 9,32% dan kepentok auto rejection di posisi Rp 1.070, namun kemudian menguat tinggi dan beberapa kali sempat melemah lagi sebelumnya akhirnya ditutup stganan. When opened directly anjlok 9.32% and kepentok auto rejection in a position to Rp 1,070, but then stronger and took some time off again before finally closed stganan.
Sedangkan rupiah pada perdagangan valas pukul 11.30 WIB, turun 175 poin ke posisi 11.675 per dolar AS. While the rupiah in foreign exchange trading at 11:30 WIB, down 175 points to 11,675 positions per U.S. dollar. Bank Indonesia (BI) mengakui, sangat sulit untuk melawan arus pasar dalam kondisi seperti ini. Bank Indonesia (BI), and it is very difficult to fight the flow conditions in the market such as this.
"Kita tidak bisa melawan pasar," kata Gubernur BI Boediono dalam konferensi pers dikantornya, Jakarta, Jumat (14/11/2008). "We can not fight the market," BI Governor Boediono said in a press conference dikantornya, Jakarta, Friday (14/11/2008).
Boediono menambahkan, BI akan terus berada di pasar. Boediono added, BI will continue to be in the market. Meski sulit menahan laju pelemahan rupiah, namun BI akan berupaya untuk menahan gejolaknya. Although difficult to keep pace weakening rupiah, but BI will attempt to keep gejolaknya.
Berdasarkan laporan kebijakan moneter BI untuk November, dikatakan bahwa nilai tukar rupiah selama bulan Oktober mengalami pelemahan akibat perilaku menghindari risiko investor asing. Based on BI's monetary policy report for November, said that the value of the rupiah during the month of October due to impairment of conduct to avoid the risk of foreign investors.
Perdagangan saham sesi siang mencatat transaksi sebanyak 31.639 kali, dengan volume 1,817 miliar unit saham, senilai Rp 1,409 triliun. Trade stocks day session to record the transaction as much as 31,639 times, with a volume of 1,817 billion units of shares, worth Rp 1,409 trillion.Sebanyak 54 saham naik, 46 saham turun dan 43 saham stagnan. 54 shares rose, 46 shares declined and 43 shares stagnant.
IHSG mengikuti naiknya saham-saham di bursa Asia siang ini seperti Hang Seng naik 3,39%, KOSPI naik 0,65%, Nikkei naik 4,02%, Shanghai naik 1,83%, STI Singapura naik 1,81% dan Taiwan naik 0,56%. IHSG the rise of shares in Asian stock this afternoon as Hang Seng rose 3.39%, KOSPI rose 0.65%, Nikkei rose 4.02%, Shanghai rose 1.83%, Singapore's STI rose 1.81% and Taiwan up 0.56%.
Saham-saham yang naik harganya antara lain, Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGAS) naik Rp 80 menjadi Rp 1.790, Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) naik Rp 500 menjadi Rp 6.350, Telkom (TLKM) naik Rp 200 menjadi Rp 5.900, Aneka Tambang (ANTM) naik Rp 30 menjadi Rp 1.060, United Tractors (UNTR) naik Rp 150 menjadi Rp 3.875 dan Astra Internasional (ASII) naik Rp 350 menjadi Rp 9.750. Shares, which increased the price of other, the State Gas Company (PGAS) rose Rp 80 to Rp 1,790, Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) increased to Rp 500 to Rp 6,350, Telkom (TLKM) rose Rp 200 to Rp 5,900, Aneka Tambang ( ANTM) up to Rp 30 to Rp 1,060, United Tractors (UNTR) rose Rp 150 to Rp 3,875 and Astra International (ASII) increased to Rp 350 to Rp 9,750.
Wall Street despite pressure from time being
After two days in succession affected by the action of selling high, stock markets in Wall Street may finally clear a moment of pressure. Investors showed little reaction to a press conference the first elected President Barack Obama. Obama promised to deal with the immediate financial crisis and economic support package that has been issued. "We face the biggest challenges in our economy. We will have to act quickly to resolve it," Obama said in a press conference the first on 7 November 2008 in Chicago as quoted from the AFP, on Saturday (8/11/2008). Market began to bring a little hope, despite data showing the U.S. economy is still frightening. October unemployment data as much as 6.5% of the highest in the last 14 years, which gives a signal of recession in the world economy. Investors in Wall Street also expects no recovery in the stock market in November this month after a sharp decline in the previous. During October, the Dow Jones recorded a decline worst since August 1998, the S & P worst since October 1987 and the Nasdaq worst since February 2001. In the closing trading Friday U.S. time (7/11/2008) Dow Jones index up 2.85% or 248.02 points to 8943.81 position. Similarly, the Nasdaq technology index rose 2.41% or 38.7 points to be 1647.4 and the S & P 500 rose 2.89% or 26.11 points to be 930.99. Investors now focus on the policy even though the Fed has cut interest rates to be 1%. Markets see the Fed policy will still do more to help economic recovery.
British Central Bank Crop Interest Rate 150 bps
British Central Bank or the Bank of England (BOE) decided lowering a key interest rate up to 150 basis points (bps) from 3% to 1.5%. The decision was taken to save the economy from recession English, in addition to the decline in inflation because of a sharp. "In two months lately, we already see the transition to a significant decrease in the inflation prospects in Britain," said a statement from BOE, as quoted from the AFP, on Thursday (6/11/2008). BOE rate, the decline has been a sharp economic activity both inside and outside the country. Meanwhile, commodity prices declined sharply with. Index FTSE 100 in London Exchange hold down interest rates even though the already lowered sharply. FTSE index is now down 123.26 points recorded to the level of 4407.47.
IHSG still could shrink
Market share in the country are still selling the high pressure and can create a Joint Stock Price Index (IHSG) shrink back.
Negative stock market Wall Street and regional candidate still seems to confirm a decline in trading Friday IHSG the end of this week (7/11/2008).
Action for selling shares predicted to continue because many investors will still realize the benefits. Opening suspension Bumi Resources shares also create conditions stock market took such action because of the high selling shares in it.
Japan's Nikkei stock index on Friday (7/11/2008) opened weakened 5.09% or 452.75 points to be 8446.39. Korea KOSPI index down 3.5% or 37.87 points to be 1054.35.
Destabilizing the regional exchange to follow this decrease in shares in Wall Street disappointed by the projected performance emiten, and the weak performance of retailers that will continue to reinforce the concerns of continued weakening economy.
In trading Thursday (6/11/2008), Dow Jones index closed plunged 443.16 points (4.85%) to a level of 8696.11. Nasdaq fall to 72.94 points (4.34%) to 1608.70 and the index level of the Standard & Poor's 500 plunged 47.89 points (5.03%) to 940.88 level.
Meanwhile, on Thursday closing stock trading yesterday (6/11/2008) IHSG fall to 58,378 points (4.27%) to 1307.897.
The following recommendations shares of the company's securities.
Optima Securities
Impairment index was 58 points into 1307 in addition impact the evaluated of Asian stock markets also influenced the decision of the BI still holding the BI Rate at 9.5% level. Negative sentiment from the stock BUMI that selling pressure is very high after the suspension reopened create psychological Taking investors to profit from the market. The index is estimated to be 1.270-1.320 weakened again with the stock options: ASII, SMGR, PTBA, UNVR, and INDF.
Panin Securities
IHSG fall to -4.27% yesterday following the continued action against the Taking of profit shares have risen most. Other regional markets recorded a move to weaken. Trade yesterday painted by revoke BUMI suspension of trade, which has suspension since last October 6. Today we estimate will move IHSG fluctuate with the weakening trend. Range support - Resistance 1.260-1.340.
Stock market signals to the U.S.(2)
The following recommendations shares of the company's securities.
Optima Securities
Strengthening the index for five days in succession continues so that the index 258 points Rebound to level 1369. Besides sentiment data that low inflation in October, investors increasingly spurred by the Asian market are also Rebound. Emiten good financial reports and expectations of lower future BI interest rate to be additional catalyst.
Fast indicator of the entry area involves not correct or wrong, while EMA 5 and EMA 10 approaching golden cross pattern. Hold strategy can be selected in the index bull. The daily movement of the index is estimated ranges 1.340-1.410 with the stock options: ASII, UNTR, HEXA, LSIP, and PTBA.
Panin Securities
IHSG yesterday before finally moving fluctuate closed stronger (+1.26%) profit in the Taking of leading shares has increased significantly. IHSG recorded an increase of 5 days in succession. The increase in the last few days are encouraged by the inflation figures (yoy), which is lower than expectations. BI estimates the market will maintain the BI Rate at 9.50% level in the Board of Governors' Meetings will be held tomorrow. Today we estimate will be moving back IHSG mixed with a range of support-Resistance 1320-1400.
eTrading Securities
Singapore Exchange yesterday successfully survive in the positive territory in early trade despite the opportunity fall of Taking a storm of profit overrides mining and banking sectors. Index moving in a fairly wide spreads around 50 points and closed up 1.2% to a level of 1369.7. Strengthening the index supported by the increase in CPO shares rise in line player CPO price reached more than 13% for 2 days in succession. Trading value Rp2, 6 trillion is also seen higher starting line increased investor confidence to return into the stock.
Meanwhile, stock in the U.S. 'Economy hours' night, a back line increase investor confidence that the stock will soon be entering the final year trend rally that occurred in November and December. Investors back into the stock and start collecting shares base on strongest evaluated that has been in. Oil prices rise more than 12% yesterday to the level of U.S. $ 70.5 / barrel related to cutting production by Saudi Arabia also become a catalyst increase shares based commodities. Dow up 3.28%, Nasdaq 3.1% and S & P500 4%. Improving financial sector also make U.S. T-Bills yield back up after the once down to the lowest level since 1980. Related to this, Asian markets re-opened stronger today, in line reboundnya commodities sector and improving liquidity in the financial sector. Nikkei 2.5%, KOSPI 2.5%, 1.6% AORD.
Exchange also had the stronger line today positive sentiment from a strong stock and especially from the Global rebound world oil prices. This sentiment will bring Commodity related shares rally again today, as ANTM, TINS, PTBA, INCO, Incidentally, LSIP and UNSP. Speculation decrease the BI Rate will also be able to lift the banking sector that some day this under-perform. The index is expected to be able to penetrate level in 1400 with a range of movement in the range of 1340 to 1450.
Stock market signals to the U.S.(1)
The strengthening of the stock market will be followed by Wall Street and regional stock Indonesian Stock Exchange. Stock market following the U.S. stock measures are awaiting the results of presidential elections.
Shares in the Wall Street record big increase, welcomed the U.S. presidential election. President campaign is expected to be immediately end all uncertainty.
Increase the price of energy shares, after a sharp increase in oil prices to make trade shares skittish. While the index of the Standard & Poor's 500 for the first time since Oct. 13 re-pierce 1,000 level.
In trading Tuesday (4/11/2008), the index Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed up 305.45 points (3.28%) to a level of 9625.28. Index S & P 500 rose a sharp 39.45 points (4.08%) to a level of 1005.75 and the Nasdaq rose 53.79 points (3.12%) to a level of 1780.12.
This condition is involved in regional stock spur positive opening on Wednesday morning as the KOSPI increased by 2.7% or 31.57 points to be 1184.92 and the Nikkei rose 1.2%, or 109.45 points to be 9224.05.
The atmosphere of global stock markets this positive can be expected to spread Joint Stock Price Index (IHSG) in trading Wednesday (5/11/2008). Despite the potential for a stronger IHSG still beware Taking profit because of the rise in the five days in succession.
Positive news from the country is in the interest rate expectations stable BI Rate board of governors meeting on 6 November this BI. And the discharge report quarterly financial III-2008 also can be a positive sentiment.
Meanwhile, the closing stock trading on Tuesday (4/1ikut1/2008) IHSG up 17,069 points (1.26%) to 1369.785.
Financial Sector falling down Wall Street
Shares on Wall Street Monday (25 / 8) or Tuesday night concerns fell after suffering experienced by American International Group Inc.. (AIG.N), the more stressed that the financial crisis still handcuff the United States.
Insurance company based in New York, AIG, high declined at between 30 top stocks in the Wall Street analysts after Credit Suisse cut the target price estimate, and that the company will suffer great loss in the third quarter of this year. Not to Fitch Ratings, which will lower the rank AIG subsequent decline in financial performance of the giant insurance company.
Experienced similar suffering other financial institutions and banks, triggered by increasing customer is not able to pay their mortgage. Housing sector also contributed dark cloud after data from a number of real estate sales agent mention the amount of property that is not behavior reached the highest level throughout the period in July.
Many of bad news from the financial sector is to create the index, Dow Jones fall 241.81 a 11386.25. Dow index jumped almost 20 points last week after oil prices fall more than U.S. $ 6 per barrel.
While the index of the Standard & Poor's 500 fall 25.36 points to be 1266.84 and the Nasdaq index fell 49.12 to become 2365.59.
Pressure on Wall Street also came from world crude oil prices, which rose 52 cents to U.S. $ 115.11 per barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange following the arrival of the threat of tropical storm Gustav in the Caribbean area is close to the production facilities of oil and gas in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
Oil prices fall sharp Up to 6%
World crude oil prices, which have increased, again fall sharply. The broker again to get the signs that reinforce the perception that world oil demand will fall sharply.
In trading Monday (3/11/2008) in New York, light type of oil for delivery in December fall to the 3.90 dollar level to U.S. $ 63.91 per barrel.
In London, Brent type of oil delivery in December also fall 4.84 to the dollar level of U.S. $ 60.48 per barrel.
"It's destroying the price of oil today is data showing that U.S. manufacturing activity during October decreased to the low level in the last 26 years, which means increasing concern weakening demand," said Phil Flynn, of Alaron Trading analyst, as quoted from Reuters, Tuesday (4/11/2008).
"Manufacture should be a major indicator of demand for oil, but if this sector is weakened, then there must struggle hard to keep oil demand still rising," he added.
U.S. factor activity, the barometer for future oil demand, down sharply in line financial crisis. The Institute for Supply Management revealed, the national index of U.S. factory activity declined to 38.9 for October, compared to 43.5 for September.
Decrease in demand is also likely occur in Europe. European Commission warns that the previous worst financial crisis in a decade has been to Europe falling down the economic recession.
"European bring more focus to the demand for energy, where the weakening global economic growth provides a bleak prospect," said Mike Fitzpatrick of MF Global, as quoted from the AFP.
Keeping oil prices in the U.S. $ 60-70 Up to the end of 2008
The price of crude oil is estimated to stand still at the level of U.S. $ 60-70 per barrel until the end of the year. OPEC cutting oil production will not produce unpredictable results.
According to the former OPEC Governor for Indonesia while Pertamina Commissioner Maizar Rahman, the possibility of large price ICP (Indonesian Crude Price) took a slip to below U.S. $ 60 per barrel.
"Until the end of this year I predicted the price of oil still around U.S. $ 60-70 per barrel. Could it even below," What is said between meetings with Commission VII at the parliament building / DPR, Jakarta, on Monday (27/10/2008).
He explains, in normal circumstances it should be cutting oil production of OPEC members will affect the price of oil. But with the current condition is not normal, then OPEC this step can be futile.
"Now is not normal because the condition affected the financial crisis. So in the market happens to be the release of oil in a large-scale, and this effect to the price. I think OPEC cutting effect," he said.
Oil price movements that do not normally have occurred since mid-2007. Where is the oil price is no longer determined the level of supply and demand but speculation.
Meanwhile, since mid-2008, the most influential factor is the financial condition of the U.S..
"Therefore we wait until the stabilization, so the fundamentals can take effect. But it may happen next year," he said.
Gold price drop to 17% during October
Gold prices plunged sharply and the worst monthly performance record. The price of gold was recorded down to 17 percent during October, which is the largest monthly decrease in the last 25 years.
Decrease the price of gold is the largest monthly up to 18.2% was recorded in February 1983. The price of gold was penetrate tertingginya level in the U.S. $ 1030.80 per ounce in March 2008.
In trading Friday (31/10/2008), the price of gold traded at the level of U.S. $ 720.35 per ounce, down 2.1% compared to closing Thursday at U.S. $ 735.50 per ounce. Recorded the lowest gold price in U.S. $ 680.80 per ounce on the week.
Gold prices continue to fall in line strengthening U.S. dollar. The strengthening U.S. dollar makes commodities appear to be berdenominasi dollars cheaper.
"The price of gold this move, especially because the currency movement. At the end of the month, due to dollar movements," said Simon Weeks, director precious metals at Bank of Nova Scotia, as quoted from Reuters, Saturday (1/11/2008).
"A key supporter of gold when the dollar is likely that the U.S. will continue to be stronger, and of course it means a negative for gold," said a broker in London.
Precursor Stock Market This Week
Stock market have left the day-to-day worse during the month of October, and ready to step toward a better November. A number of positive sentiment can be expected to encourage stock market direction, the better.
Throughout October, the stock market both global and local rise and fall was penetrate terburuknya point since the Great Abuse era 79 years ago. However, shares in Wall Street may finally close the month of October on the path to the green.
In trading Friday (31/10/2008), the index Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) closed up 144.32 points (1.57%) to a level of 9325.01. Nasdaq also stronger 22.43 points (1.32%) to 1720.95 and the index level of the Standard & Poor's 500 rose 14.66 points (1.54%) to 968.75 level.
Meanwhile IHSG Stock Exchange in Indonesia in late October and significantly stronger after the auto rejection of the boundary opened up to 20%. IHSG closed stronger 82,841 points (7.06%) to the level of 1256.704. LQ 45 index rose 18,587 points (8.34%) to a level of 241,352.
Strengthening throughout the week occurred after the Central Bank from various parts of the world formed a partnership to mitigate the problem of liquidity difficulties. Including the swap agreement, which conducted the central bank.
What are local sentiment throughout this weekend?
* Monday, October 3 2008: Announcement of inflation figures by the Central Bureau of Statistics.
* Thursday, October 6 2008: Meeting of the Board of Governor of Bank Indonesia to determine the number of BI Rate.
* Out a number of financial reports emiten.
Meanwhile, global sentiment that can affect the movement of stock prices is:
U.S. election on Tuesday, 4 November 2008. Investors hope after the election there will be a new fiscal stimulus package or the new regulations to resolve the financial crisis in the U.S..
Friday, 7 November 2008: Release U.S. unemployment data. This figure is expected to give the U.S. economy: the more competitive, or is in the brink of recession.
IMF's Lack of Funds A Hundred Billion Dollars
Being a doctor for the countries of the financial crisis was not easy. The IMF is a source of loans for countries that need financial assistance is precisely the lack of funds.
As presented British PM Gordon Brown, the IMF now require hundreds of billions of dollars as additional funds to help countries that collapse the global financial crisis. Additional funds in an amount not less, it is necessary to prevent the spread of the impact of financial crisis.
"If we want to stop the spread of financial crisis, we need a global insurance policy to reduce the economic pressure," he said as cited by AFP, Sunday (2/11/2008).
Brown, calling the recent visits to Saudi Arabia in order to apply funds from countries that pump oil producers profit from the extraordinary increase in the price of crude oil. He also admitted will be happy to receive investment from financial institutions in the Bay area during the rules and conducted commercial.
"This is why I find additional sources of funds for the IMF-hundreds of billions of dollars more outside the U.S. $ 250 billion that they have provided on-loaned to countries that collapse because of the financial crisis," he added.
Additional funds of hundreds of billions of dollars are believed to be the IMF to Hungary, Ukraine, Iceland Dsn to increase their savings.