IHSG Review : The Consumer is Positive

Shares closed down again in the global red zone today, Nikkei -4.92% (Japanese bond rose to the highest level since September), Hang Seng -3.37% (a concern to investors, HSBC operations, the dividend will be reduced and the need for injections fresh funds), and Strait Times -3.25%. 

A lot of sentiment that the stock looks spiritless today as the decline in oil prices, Australia's unemployment data, sales machine Japan retail sales and the sluggish U.S.. 

JCI own closed weakened 43 points to 1343 levels (-3.13%) with a trading value of Rp 1.46 trillion. Consumer sector (+0.26%) is the only sector which both closed, while the mining sector (-4.53%) and infrastructure (-4.68%) are the two sectors that contribute most to the drop in the index. 

Since the establishment of the first session, the index is always in the red zone. Reopened until the transaction is also the second trading session, the index is not a lot of changes, indek had touched the highest level in 1358. AMRT (Alfa Mart), which just opened this week listing in the level and Rp400 level had increased to Rp 420, but the closing session on the second level in the closed Rp395 (stagnant). 

BUMI While yesterday was a record trading value of Rp 925 billion closed again weakened auto rejection level to 425 with trading value of Rp 57 billion. Some blue chip stocks closed good today is UNVR (+1.87%), PNBN (+1.75%), and LPKR (+1.2%).

BI Rate Could Take Up to 7-7,5%

Until the end of 2009, BI rate can be predicted until the level of 7 to 7.5% in the middle of a decrease in inflation due to a decrease in various commodity prices and oil prices. 

This is said by the head of Danareksa Research Purbaya Yudhi sadewa in the event one day seminar "Economic Outlook Banking & Property: In the Middle Heavy Global Financial Crisis" at Menara BTN, Jakarta, Wednesday (14/1/2009). 

"At present we do not need to fear inflation because the price of fuel is down, food down, a lot of rice, so this year's inflation can be 6% or slightly lower," he said. 

The government in 2009 estimated the rate of inflation will be down 6.2% from 11.06% inflation in 2008. Meanwhile, Bank Indonesia's inflation rate is estimated at 6 plus minus 1% in 2009. 

"Theoretically with inflation such BI Rate can go down to 7-7,5% level. If they (BI) BI Rate can dare 7% if they do not dare to be 7.5%," he said. 

In addition, for economic growth in 2009 is still able to reach 5% or are in the government's target range of 4,5-5%. 

"If the stimulus can be run well and the interest rate can be pressed to lower the 5% economic growth is not something difficult to achieve. So it is good both for the economic impact," his him.

BI rate should be down to 7.5%

The decline BI Rate still should be able to continue until the level of 7.5%. This is following the trend in almost all the world who troop down the interest rate reference. 
This is said in the Knowledge Sharing Aviliania PT Permodalan Nasional Madani with the theme of Economic Up date View Over 2008 - Outlook 2009, Impact and Strategies for MSMEs and Cooperatives, in Arthaloka Building, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta, Friday (9/1/2009) . 
"If other countries the interest rate central banks even have a zero per cent. The other countries sharia while we are still capitalist. So, BI is still possible BI Rate down 7.5 percent," said Aviliani. 
According Aviliani, economic conditions, social, political and Indonesia at this time to support the decline in BI Rate to 7.5% level. Especially for the political situation, India can be relatively better than other Asian countries. 

"From Indonesia's most politically secure than other countries such as Malaysia, Taiwan and Filiphina. Banking is also safer because we do not have the bailout," said Independent BRI this. 
Meanwhile, Commissioner of PT PNM Hermanto Siregar also states fall BI Rate 50 basis to be 8.75% is still far from ideal. Hermanto expectations even lower again, that is 7%. 

"Ideally, and 7 percent actually penurunannya already started in October 2008 revealed that for the sudden will not influence," said vice-Rector of this IPB. 
Hermanto add to the BI rate 7%, and a number one digit inflation, he is optimistic the economic growth can be targeted to what the government this year is 5%. 

"Projected growth of 5.5% still can still be achieved," he said. 
Achievement, the supplement should also be supported Hermanto consumption growth 5.4% and 3.4% investment. "And imports are lower than export," he said